We finished up our time in CALCUTTA. It was very sad saying good-bye to all of the children. Some were crying, and they threw us a little gowing away party. It was hard to leave, but we were both looking forward to our week of traveling and rest. We are now in the city of Jaipur. It's pretty much the desert. There are camels, elephants, cows, pigs, chickens, peacocks, and monkey roaming the streets. It's incredible. We have been here for three night so far. Sadly to say we have both been VERY VERY VERY sick. Jenny was sick the first night, and recovered by the next morning. I got sick the second night, and I am just now starting to recover. I don't think anything could be worse than to be sick overseas without anyone to take care of you. You name the symptom and we had it! We both thought we were going to die, but we took care of each other and made it through. We are staying in a beautiful palace, and actually paying less.
Today was a great day. We were able to go into a village and experience village life. We rode a camel, and danced with all of the beautiful women. They all love to dance here, and were not hesitant to pull us into the middle to dance with them. The all sang and clapped as we tried to dance the india style way. It was beautiful. I"ve never seen so many people wearing so many bright colors. We have also been able to go to many beautiful temples, including a monkey temple. There were hundreds of monkeys jumping all around us. well we both can't wait to be home, and thanks for your prayers, especially while we were both so sick.
We also got the wonderful experience of jumping on a train...not really knowing if it was the right one....to go and see the wonderful Taj Mahal. It was so beautiful. The pictures don't show even a fraction of how beautiful it was. We are both getting really tired, and ready to come home!
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