We knew that our stop in salzburg was gonna be great when we arrived at 4am without any place to stay, and it was cold and raining, and we were sitting in a room with a blinking light with a few drunkards and crazy people. One of which told us, "Don't worry a very strong woman, super woman, is coming to get you." Needless to say we got up very quickly and moved, and when Mcdonalds opened u

p at 6 we ran to it. When we got the courage to venture out and the sun decided to grace us with its presence we went on a search for a place to stay. It wasn't hard to find a place because everyone was so helpful. When we got off the bus to our pension we were greeted by a massive parade. There was a huge celebration going on because a new beer garden had opened up. When we asked a couple of guys in the parade where they were going they responded, "We have no idea....com

e join us." The parade went on all day long.
Our second day Jenny and I rented bikes and went on a hunt to find all of the sound of music sights. It was so much fun. We van the famous castle, the cathedral they were married in, their house, the famous gazebo, and even the hills that she danced in. It was such a great day. That night we also drank wonderful german beer and ate a schnitzel and goulash.

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