A person who lives in faith must proceed on incomplete evidence, trusting in advance what will make sense in reverse. -Philip Yancey
Teddy and I about to feed some alligators. |
Driving into Saigon was such a mixture of emotions. I was sad to leave Cambodia, yet excited to be in such a familiar city. Walking the streets of Saigon feels very much like walking around downtown Nashville to me. I know my way around, but I'm always discovering something new. Our first day in Saigon Amanda, Teddy, and I decided to just walk around. We were tired of sitting down on our long bus ride, and wanted to get some fresh air. The bus ride was a really sweet time for me. I got to catch up with my fiance, Teddy. We both enjoyed just enjoy sitting with each other and talking face to face. Our ride was filled with so much laughter and joy.

After we walked around the city and ate dinner, I decided to call a few young girls that my family has known for years. These 3 girls all grew up on the streets of Vietnam, and my family stayed in contact with them for over 10 years. Two of their stories will break your heart, and one of them is filled with hope and a future. These girls are like little sisters to me. They are always the first people I contact when I arrive in Saigon. I've laughed, cried, held, comforted, helped, and listened to these girls when they needed someone...anyone to talk to. My family has walked with them through pregnancies, abuse, and poverty. These young girls have already gone through and seen more than I will in my whole life. One of these young girls is only 18, and she is having to take care of two babies without the help of any emotional or physical support. She spends her entire day sell postcards on the street so she can feed her little ones.
"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." -Psalm 59:16
Every time I am able to see them again it's like we've never been apart. We all went to the park and I got to introduce them to Teddy, which was really fun. None of them could believe that I'm getting married. Having Teddy join me for a part of this trip was so much fun. I loved getting to show him my heart for these people and this country. I know that it made us so much stronger as a couple. There were easy times and hard times, but every part was good.
The next week of our trip was spent with the HOL children at camp. Our days were quickly filled with swimming, teaching, crafts, games, songs, eating vietnamese food, and so much more. I think my favorite part at camp this year was being able to sit down and talk with some of the children that were really struggling last year. They told me about all the ways the Lord had helped them and revealed himself to them. I remember crying with a few of these children last year begging the Lord to help them not only feel loved, but to know it in their soul. The Lord answered those prayers in ways that I didn't even think possible. The pain and anger that I saw in these children's eyes had turned into joy and laughter. It was truly amazing.
The little boy that I sponsor and love! |
It was also fun to get to see my little boy that I sponsor. Teddy seemed to really connect with him as well. By the end of the trip Little "B" always seemed to be waiting by our side. He's not a child that asks for attention, but you can tell when he wants it. He always seems to get this sweet little smirk on his face that was irresistible. It was hard to walk by him and not always pick him up and love on him.
Teddy and I loving on some of the HOL kids. |
Another one of my favorite moments at camp was the time that I got to spend singing praise songs with the children. Hearing them lift up their voices to the Lord was an amazing, spiritual experience. These children don't just sing the words to the songs, they proclaim and rejoice with ever bit of sound they have. They sing and praise the Lord until they are so overwhelmed with his power and love that they cry. It gives me chill bumps every time I even think about it. I've never been in a service in the states where I saw so many people/children worshiping with their entire being the way that these children do. At one point one of the homes put on a drama skit, and I've seen this skit done before, but never have I seen it done with such impact. All the members in our group were speechless...completely speechless. There was a good 15 seconds were I couldn't even move. I'm certain that the Lord has gifted these children with the power to spread the gospel like fire, and not when they are older, but now!
I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. -John 14:18
God sets the lonely in families. - Psalm 68:6
Serving the Lord with my sweet baby sister! |
enjoying the market |
These last few days have been a time of rest for Amanda and I. We have enjoyed a few nice meals on the beach together, tried to catch up on sleep, read our books, and just tried to relax. This next week is going to be filled with interviews and meetings as we travel around to a few of our homes. We are both tired, and try to sleep when ever we have a free hour. Pray the Lord gives us energy to finish this trip strong. I can't believe that this is our last week here. I know it will be such a bittersweet time when we leave.
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